Karena ada yang PM lewat email ato YM harga buat total semua DVD :045:
Harga TOTAL SEMUA DVD Rp. 500RB DVD tutorial apa yg anda dapatkan....================================================
1 DVD High-End Industry Retouching Techniques Series
1 DVD How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3 with companion
1 DVD Joey'l Behind the Scene
3 DVD Kumpulan Video Tutorial Kelby Training
1 DVD Kumpulan Video Fotographer Dunia
1 DVD Speedpainting to Conept Art in Photoshop
5 DVD Photoshop Top Secret
3 DVD Compilation DVD for Photographer & Photoshopers
2 DVD Best of Photoshop User Magazine - 8th year tutorials
1 DVD Strobist Lighting Seminar on
3 DVD Contacts, Vol. 1, 2, 3
1 DVD Marks Advanced Photoshop CS FX
2 DVD GUYGOWAN Photoshop Cosmetic & Retocuh WorkFlow
dan belum itu cukup saja anda akan mendapatkan
BONUS video tutorial
intro canon 5D & 50D
protrait Shootting 2 session
Corel Training - Vector_Power_Training
dan E-book magazine 2009 ( january s/d desember)
YM : tutorialmurah