Albums Are Awesome.Designing and selling albums is a fantastic way to make awesome profits with your wedding or portrait photography business. They are priceless keepsakes for your clients that are treasured and shared for generations.The best part?With the right skills it’s quick and easy to make professional quality, creative designs that sell.
WOULDN’T IT BE AWESOME IF YOU COULD HAVE More profits from an easy-to-create custom product?More free time to spend away from the computer and with real people?Clients that fall in love with your albums, and absolutely, positively have to have one?The skills to create your own album templates for any size you’d like?Mega fun designing, and confidence in your skills?Of course that would be awesome!What Is Awesome Album Design Skills?Awesome Album Design Skills is a downloadable video tutorial that will give you both the theory behind great album design, and the skills to actually do it. Using the industry leading page layout program, Adobe InDesign CS5, you’ll confidently create exceptional designs with drag-and-drop ease.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Evan Sharboneau - Trick Photography
Have you ever seen an amazing photo but could never figure out how it was taken?
How would you like to have the ability to create photos just like the one you saw?
This video contains the Tips & Tricks For Photography
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Perfect Photo Suite 6 for MAC
info :
Perfect Photo Suite 6, the dramatic new version of onOne Software's award winning product suite offers the best new tools for solving the most common problems faced by photographers today. This major upgrade introduces completely new products Perfect Portrait and Perfect Effects, Perfect Mask, the next generation of Mask Pro, Perfect Layers, in addition to favorites Perfect Resize, FocalPoint and PhotoFrame. And now, you can move effortlessly between applications, for a smoother and faster workflow.
As your workflows have changed, so have our products. All of the products in the Perfect Photo Suite 6 now work directly from Lightroom and Aperture, in addition to Photoshop, and they can even be used on their own.
Perfect Portrait 1
* Completely new product takes the mystery out of retouching
* Just the right tools for reducing blemishes & enhancing eyes, lips and teeth
* Automated face and feature detection
* Total control over strength of enhancements
* Works as a standalone application or directly with Lightroom, Aperture or Photoshop
Perfect Layers 2
* Combine multiple images from Lightroom, Aperture, or any application, into a single, layered file
* New! Crop Tool, Retouch Brush and File Browser
* Adjust size, position & blending mode
* Use layer masks and masking tools to blend multiple layers together
* Add Color Fill Layers for photographic effects
Perfect Effects 3
* The next generation of the extremely popular PhotoTools 2 Professional
* Complete library of professional photographic effects
* Live, full screen effect previews
* Stack, blend and combine effects to create your own unique look
* Works directly with Lightroom, Aperture or Photoshop
Perfect Mask 5
* The next generation of the popular Mask Pro 4
* High quality masks in just a few clicks
* Automatic subject detection creates initial mask
* Works great on tough subjects like hair and glass
* Works directly with Lightroom, Aperture or Photoshop
Perfect Resize 7
* The industry standard for image resizing
* Enlarge images up to 1000% without sacrificing quality
* Crop & resize images in one easy step
* Works as a standalone application or as a plug-in for Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture
* Compare Professional and Standard Editions -
FocalPoint 2
* Recreates the blur and depth of field from popular lenses including selective focus, fast aperture and tilt-shift lenses
* Ultimate defocus control after the shot is taken. You control the amount, feather and type of blur
* Works as a standalone application or as a plug-in for Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture
PhotoFrame 4.6
* Create full-page album layouts for your clients
* Add realistic film edges to your images
* Includes hundreds of overlays, textures & backgrounds
* Works as a standalone application or as a plug-in for Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Mary DuPrie - Photographing Models DVD Bundle
What comes easily to Mary DuPrie is illustrated in every detail in this
wonderful five hour video. Every little detail of what makes a good
photograph is revealed, and demonstrated over and over. There really are
secrets, natural methods and movements, subtle techniques that so many
models and photographers have never known about. Include videotraining
cources: Photographing Models, Simply Modeling, Simply More Modeling.
Photographing Models
This video is a foundational instruction on how to work with models from the ground up. Starting with the basics of wardrobe selection, Mary points out what is important in order to fulfill the objective of a good model photo session. This two hour journey covers all the basics and then Mary imposes her wonderful insight which she is so willing to impart. She walks the viewer through her own methods of putting a session together, styling and designing the shoot to fit a particular model and individual direction
Here is a list of topics that this video covers:
1. Mary's background & set system.
2. Easy background set up.
3. Mary's "V set" and how to put the model on a wall not just suspended in the middle of the studio floor.
4. Hands, arms, body posing.
5. The angle of the face and where the model should look.
6. Mouth expressions and making the eyes really work.
7. Using gravity in poses, understanding the physics of natural posing.
8. Three points or planes of the posing body: Head, chest, pelvis.
9. The different posing styles: Catalog posing, casual posing, the do's and don'ts.
10. Composing the shot through poses with style.
11. Approach and methods of agency style composition.
12. Freestyle modeling and full length shooting.
Simply Modeling
What comes easily to Mary DuPrie is illustrated in every detail in this wonderful two hour video. Every little detail of what makes a good photograph is revealed, and demonstrated over and over. There really are secrets, natural methods and movements, subtle techniques that so many models and photographers have never known about. Although this video shows some lighting setups while Mary shoots, it is not a lighting instruction.
Whether you've been shooting for a month, a year, or ten years, this is a very informative look at how to get the very best from any model.
1. Mary demonstrates every move, every method a model must master.
2. Better modeling comes easily, it can never be forced or look like work. Mary shows how to get a model to perform.
3. The model learns every detail about where the light source is and what the photographer wants. How to work in the studio under lights and on sets.
4. The different posing styles: Catalog posing, casual posing, the do's and don'ts.
5. Modeling on location and how to work with the environment.
6. Location methods to blend with natural light and the surroundings.
7. Runway modeling and basic Runway technique.
8. Three points or planes of the posing body: Head, chest, pelvis.
This DVD is the foundation for photographic modeling. A must have for every model and every photographer who shoots models.
Simply More Modeling
The next DVD in series detailing everything models & photographers must know for working confidently with photographers who shoot Models. The next level of Mary DuPries' dynamic modeling series Simply Modeling. This Simply More Modeling video goes deeper into the details about modeling secrets that make a model and photographer superstars. This DVD is a session based primer that illustrates all the extra insight about perfect modeling and the finest modeling photography.
This DVD shooting sessions include:
1. How to pose sitting on the ground, on chairs, benches, the right way.
2. Standing for beauty sessions or modeling lingerie & swimsuits.
3. Lingerie modeling while reclining on a bed & soft surfaces.
4. Posing technique & FreeForm method.
5. Managing body lines & form design.
6. Understanding negative space when setting up the body form.
This video is a foundational instruction on how to work with models from the ground up. Starting with the basics of wardrobe selection, Mary points out what is important in order to fulfill the objective of a good model photo session. This two hour journey covers all the basics and then Mary imposes her wonderful insight which she is so willing to impart. She walks the viewer through her own methods of putting a session together, styling and designing the shoot to fit a particular model and individual direction
Here is a list of topics that this video covers:
1. Mary's background & set system.
2. Easy background set up.
3. Mary's "V set" and how to put the model on a wall not just suspended in the middle of the studio floor.
4. Hands, arms, body posing.
5. The angle of the face and where the model should look.
6. Mouth expressions and making the eyes really work.
7. Using gravity in poses, understanding the physics of natural posing.
8. Three points or planes of the posing body: Head, chest, pelvis.
9. The different posing styles: Catalog posing, casual posing, the do's and don'ts.
10. Composing the shot through poses with style.
11. Approach and methods of agency style composition.
12. Freestyle modeling and full length shooting.
Simply Modeling
What comes easily to Mary DuPrie is illustrated in every detail in this wonderful two hour video. Every little detail of what makes a good photograph is revealed, and demonstrated over and over. There really are secrets, natural methods and movements, subtle techniques that so many models and photographers have never known about. Although this video shows some lighting setups while Mary shoots, it is not a lighting instruction.
Whether you've been shooting for a month, a year, or ten years, this is a very informative look at how to get the very best from any model.
1. Mary demonstrates every move, every method a model must master.
2. Better modeling comes easily, it can never be forced or look like work. Mary shows how to get a model to perform.
3. The model learns every detail about where the light source is and what the photographer wants. How to work in the studio under lights and on sets.
4. The different posing styles: Catalog posing, casual posing, the do's and don'ts.
5. Modeling on location and how to work with the environment.
6. Location methods to blend with natural light and the surroundings.
7. Runway modeling and basic Runway technique.
8. Three points or planes of the posing body: Head, chest, pelvis.
This DVD is the foundation for photographic modeling. A must have for every model and every photographer who shoots models.
Simply More Modeling
The next DVD in series detailing everything models & photographers must know for working confidently with photographers who shoot Models. The next level of Mary DuPries' dynamic modeling series Simply Modeling. This Simply More Modeling video goes deeper into the details about modeling secrets that make a model and photographer superstars. This DVD is a session based primer that illustrates all the extra insight about perfect modeling and the finest modeling photography.
This DVD shooting sessions include:
1. How to pose sitting on the ground, on chairs, benches, the right way.
2. Standing for beauty sessions or modeling lingerie & swimsuits.
3. Lingerie modeling while reclining on a bed & soft surfaces.
4. Posing technique & FreeForm method.
5. Managing body lines & form design.
6. Understanding negative space when setting up the body form.
Monday, October 24, 2011
High-End Industry - Photoshop Retouching Techniques Series Three: Art of Dodge & Burn
High-End Industry - Photoshop Retouching Techniques Series Three: Art of Dodge & Burn
This new retouching tutorial DVD-ROM is deeply focused on THE MAIN TECHNIQUE used in the high end industry world of retouching. Dodging & Burning has been around since the analog age of photography. Although the principles remain the same, tools and the flexibility has been greatly improved since entering the digital age. This DVD will teach you everything you need to know to become a master of this retouching technique. It will teach you how to achieve amazing results with the help of Dodge & Burn elegance, flexibility and realism.
Seri Sebelumnya
1 DVD High-End Industry Retouching Techniques Series - One
2 DVD Beauty & Hair Retouching High End Techniques - Series Two
This new retouching tutorial DVD-ROM is deeply focused on THE MAIN TECHNIQUE used in the high end industry world of retouching. Dodging & Burning has been around since the analog age of photography. Although the principles remain the same, tools and the flexibility has been greatly improved since entering the digital age. This DVD will teach you everything you need to know to become a master of this retouching technique. It will teach you how to achieve amazing results with the help of Dodge & Burn elegance, flexibility and realism.
Seri Sebelumnya
1 DVD High-End Industry Retouching Techniques Series - One
2 DVD Beauty & Hair Retouching High End Techniques - Series Two
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Secrets of the Pros - Pro Tools v.1,2,3
Secrets of the Pros - Pro Tools v.1
With over four hours of information this 2-DVD set will not only show you the basics, but also take you much further into advanced techniques for recording, editing, MIDI and more. You will see how the software and hardware work, and be shown in detail exactly how to use Pro Tools like a professional.
It also goes step by step through Beat Detective, a powerful part of Pro Tools that allows you to tighten, fix, and even change the groove of drum and percussion parts.
Your host Ken Walden is a former nine-year veteran Digidesign/Pro Tools Product Specialist and Tech, and a seasoned engineer with credits on recordings by several top-name artitsts. Ken delivers all the essentials you need to set up your system and to begin recording your music without compromise.
Secrets of the Pros - Pro Tools v.2
Advanced Pro Tools DVD Volume II is geared toward those who have some previous Pro Tools experience. Explained with the same clarity as the other Secrets of the Pros DVDs, this volume addresses a variety of the more powerful and esoteric Pro Tools features and recording techniques. With over two hours of information, this DVD will take you to the next level in terms of your Pro Tools-based audio engineering capabilities and understanding. Hosted by Secrets of the Pros founder Ken Walden, Advanced Pro Tools DVD Volume II provides a wealth of knowledge and technical prowess from a power user’s standpoint. These insights will not only help you to get your head around the whole of Pro Tools, but you’ll find yourself moving through projects more effectively and efficiently, making the most of your creativity.
Secrets of the Pros - Pro Tools v.3
Advanced PRO TOOLS DVD: Volume III picks up where its highly successful prequels, PRO TOOLS DVD: Volume I and Advanced PRO TOOLS DVD: Volume II left off. With well over 2 hours of information this DVD dives deep into a variety of topics…of greatest importance are the topics of mixing and plug-ins. The world of plug-ins has expanded the capabilities of audio producers and this new title takes you through a long library of what is out there in the plug-in world. It also demonstrates how to use some of the more complex and esoteric plug-ins that can make a huge difference in the quality of your mixes. This training DVD also provides clear instruction on how to use Automation in Pro Tools, an overview of Control Surfaces, and more. This DVD will help you speed up your creative process and help you find ways of vastly improving your mixes.
4DVD Rp. 80rb
Secrets of the Pros - Modern Recording & Mixing
Mixing (techniques to vastly improve your mixes)
The Big Secret — Acoustics and how to set up a studio (this chapter features one of the world’s top studio designers talking about cutting edge, inexpensive ways to set up your studio)
Pre-Amps (what they are and why they are extremely important)
Typical signal routing scenarios
Loops (how to work them into you into your music)
Professional standard techniques for:
– Recording vocals
– Recording drums
– Recording bass guitar
– Recording electric and acoustic guitar
– Keyboards, synths, and MIDI
– Recording bass guitar, and much more…
2DVD = Rp. 40RB
Mixing (techniques to vastly improve your mixes)
The Big Secret — Acoustics and how to set up a studio (this chapter features one of the world’s top studio designers talking about cutting edge, inexpensive ways to set up your studio)
Pre-Amps (what they are and why they are extremely important)
Typical signal routing scenarios
Loops (how to work them into you into your music)
Professional standard techniques for:
– Recording vocals
– Recording drums
– Recording bass guitar
– Recording electric and acoustic guitar
– Keyboards, synths, and MIDI
– Recording bass guitar, and much more…
2DVD = Rp. 40RB
Multi-Platinum - Pro Tools Training Collection
Multi-Platinum, LLC creates high-end tutorial videos that feature
multi-platimum credited engineerrs, capturing how the work in real-world
scenarios. All video include the multi-track sessions because people
learn best hands-on
12 DVD = Rp. 200RB
12 DVD = Rp. 200RB
Friday, October 21, 2011
Total Training : Adobe Premiere Pro 2
Learn how to easily produce a video and have it look like
it was cut by a professional with this comprehensive video training
series for the latest version of Premiere® Pro. Filmmaker and noted
author, Jacob Rosenberg, leads you through the extensive capabilities of
the most scalable, efficient, and precise editing tool for HD, SD, DV,
and Film. With nearly 17 hours of tutorials, you will see how easy it is
to maximize your time using Adobe Bridge and many new features
including eReview.
This series also contains 9 comprehensive lessons from the training disk, "What® New for Premiere Pro 2", that will get you up to speed quickly on the key new features of Adobe Premiere Pro 2.
Discover how to easily produce a video and have it look like it was cut by a professional with this in-depth video training series.
Learn all about new features, including eReview, color correction tools, and a brand new multi-cam workflow.
Understand the full potential of new formats like HDV.
Get up-to-speed with additional lessons from the "What® New for Premiere Pro 2" training series.
5 DVD Rp. 80RB
This series also contains 9 comprehensive lessons from the training disk, "What® New for Premiere Pro 2", that will get you up to speed quickly on the key new features of Adobe Premiere Pro 2.
Discover how to easily produce a video and have it look like it was cut by a professional with this in-depth video training series.
Learn all about new features, including eReview, color correction tools, and a brand new multi-cam workflow.
Understand the full potential of new formats like HDV.
Get up-to-speed with additional lessons from the "What® New for Premiere Pro 2" training series.
5 DVD Rp. 80RB
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Final Cut Pro & Tutorial
Apple - Final Cut Pro X + Content

Ripple Training - Apple Pro Video Series: Final Cut Pro X
Larry Jordan - Final Cut Pro X Workflow and Editing
Ripple Training - Motion 5 Fast Forward
Ripple Training - Motion 5 Rigging & Publishing for Final Cut Pro X
Ripple Training - Apple Pro Video Series: Final Cut Pro X
Larry Jordan - Final Cut Pro X Workflow and Editing
Ripple Training - Motion 5 Fast Forward
Ripple Training - Motion 5 Rigging & Publishing for Final Cut Pro X
Final Cut X [10.0.1], Final Cut Content, Motion [5.0.1], Motion Content, Compression
Hackintosh Distro
iDENEB v1.5.1 10.5.7
iATKOS 10.5.7
iPC 10.5.6
blackCH xXx 10.5.6 + Patch PPF1
iDeneb 10.5.6
iATKOS v5 10.5.5
Kalyway 10.5.2 (new Version)
Leo4al V4.1 For AMD plus Patch PPF1
SnowOSX Universal 10.6 GM (10a432) v3.5
snow leopard 10.6.1-10.6.2 Intel AMD made by Hazard
iATKOS S3 Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Intel DVD
iANTARES Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Intel DVD
Snow leopard 10.6.6 Intel AMD made by Hazard
iDENEB v1.5.1 10.5.7
iATKOS 10.5.7
iPC 10.5.6
blackCH xXx 10.5.6 + Patch PPF1
iDeneb 10.5.6
iATKOS v5 10.5.5
Kalyway 10.5.2 (new Version)
Leo4al V4.1 For AMD plus Patch PPF1
SnowOSX Universal 10.6 GM (10a432) v3.5
snow leopard 10.6.1-10.6.2 Intel AMD made by Hazard
iATKOS S3 Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Intel DVD
iANTARES Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Intel DVD
Snow leopard 10.6.6 Intel AMD made by Hazard
iATKOS L1 (Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens
Gary Fong - Step by step guide to Getting Rich as a Photographer

How to completely blow away your client with a journalistic "Storytelling" technique that makes your client rave about you everywhere. How to create a pricing structure that is super easy for your clients to understand, and immensely helps you to book more weddings. How to rapidly design beautiful fine-art albums for weddings OR portraiture at about a page a minute! How to use the Internet to practically guarantee your success in business. Why I never invested a dollar in advertising my photography business... why I never did a bridal show and why DOING THESE THINGS HURT YOUR BUSINESS! My workflow steps that will save you up to 75% off the time you are wasting now... ?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Photographer David Hobby of follows up his Lighting Seminar DVD Set (May 2008) with Lighting in Layers, a series of real-world, behind-the-scenes assignments lit entirely with small flashes. The 7-DVD, 9-hour boxed set includes six extended, detailed location shoots, paired with related lighting diagrams, which include walk-throughs and immersive discussions. In addition, there is a running set of discussions on other topics. Those include finding your compass point as a photographer, gaining access to the people and things you want to photograph, adding value to your community and building a sustainable business model in the age of the web. As a 20-year staff newspaper photojournalist -- and more recently, a widely-read blogger at Strobist -- Hobby also explains in detail how he combines those skills to create a unique ecosystem in which he can thrive as a self-directed photographer. The first six DVDs are standard discs which are meant to play in any standard DVD player. The seventh disc is a DVD-ROM which contains compressed files of all of the content from the first six discs.

Jeremy Cowart is a professional photographer from Nashville, Tennessee.
Beginning his photography career in 2005, Jeremy quickly became a
respected artistic voice in the industry. Having shot numerous
musicians, entertainers and celebrities, Jeremy is also the founder of
Help Portrait, a worldwide movement of photographers giving free
portraits to those less fortunate. As his list of clients continues to
grow, so does Jeremy’s desire to improve, share, teach, and give back
to those around him.Disc1:
-Vision toolkit
-Raw workflow
-10 questions
-Interview by Zack Arias
-Locations and libraries
-Travel/Tour Photography
-Projects of purpose
-6 Narrated Photoshots
-Band (the Civil Wars)
-Male Musician (Matt Wertz)
-Female Musician (Caitlin Crosby)
-Actress/Publicity (Chase Benz)
-Fashion (On Location)
-Fashion (On Seamless)
Information :
-Vision toolkit
-Raw workflow
-10 questions
-Interview by Zack Arias
-Locations and libraries
-Travel/Tour Photography
-Projects of purpose
-6 Narrated Photoshots
-Band (the Civil Wars)
-Male Musician (Matt Wertz)
-Female Musician (Caitlin Crosby)
-Actress/Publicity (Chase Benz)
-Fashion (On Location)
-Fashion (On Seamless)
Information :
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Assessing Input Quality
Setting up the Preferences
Customizing the UI
Raw Processing Essentials
Raw Processing in CS5
The Layers Workflow
Brushwork & Presets
Selections Using Tools
Selections Without Tools
Pen Tools Paths
Masking Concepts
Refine Edge for Cutouts
Refine Selections in Quickmask
Managing Color
The Colors of Skin
New & Legacy Color
Selective Color Adjustments
Gradient on Masks
Contrast with Gradient Map
Cloning & Healing
Dodge & Burn Concepts
Minimizing Pores
Minimizing Lines & Wrinkles
Retouching Under-eye Bags
Arm Hairs Quick Conceal
Face Shading
Simple Skin Smoothing
Light-reflecting Digital Powder
Pop the Highlights
Reshaping Features
Eye Retouching
Refining Eyebrows
Maximizing Lashes
Retouching the Lips
Cleaning up the Hair
Making Hair Shine
Hair Cutout Using Layers
Changing the Hair Color
Remodeling the Figure
Changing Color of Clothing
Reducing Moire
Eliminating Crumples
Backgrounds Work
Content Aware Scaling
Straightening Background
Resizing Images
General Sharpening
Sharpening Thresholds
Making Noise
Setting a Minimum Dot
Delivering Files to Client
Foundations of Photography: Lenses
Foundations of Photography: Lenses.
Many of the creative options available to a photographer hinge on an in-depth understanding of lenses. In Foundations of Photography: Lenses, Ben Long shows how to choose lenses and take full advantage of their creative options. The course covers fundamental concepts that apply to any camera, such as focal length and camera position, and shows how to evaluate and shop for DSLR lenses. The second half of the course focuses on shooting techniques: controlling autofocus, working with different focal lengths, and managing distortion and flare. The course also examines various filters and contains tips on cleaning and maintaining lenses.
Elephorm DVD - Learn Lighting for Studio Photography with Clarke Drahce
Elephorm DVD - Learn Lighting for Studio Photography with Clarke Drahce
Build your understanding of studio lighting with this training DVD. You will improve your artistic sense and master the techniques and use of various accessories for your lights and flashes. Many practical situations are presented by the author with demonstrations for you to create your own lighting schemes. You will be trained by Clarke Drahce, professional photographer and trainer.
More iNFO
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Karl Taylor: Professional Retouching Secrets DVD
Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to expand your business into new skill sets or if you are just starting out with a Digital SLR camera, Karl’s series of educational and entertaining DVD will make you wish you had possessed this knowledge from day one. Karl Taylor presents the things you WANT to know and NEED to know in an easy to understand format that will bring your photography up to your desired level.
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