Monday, December 14, 2009

Photoshop Design Secrets CS4 (Alexander Kutuzov) 4 DVD


How to professionally retouch photos home, make installation of your favorite pictures or create a stunning collage? How to perform a complex design project, create a poster or a spectacular design for the site, such as this? How to learn to work unsurpassed in Adobe Photoshop CS4 and reveal all the secrets of design? How to apply this knowledge in practice for the processing of home photos or further earnings?

1 DVD - Kollazhirovanie
- Elektichny collage - 1ch.28min
- HDR Photography - 7min
- Fashion girl - 24min
- Neo Pet (neo petomets) - 16min
- Montage. Micro World - 30min
- Syuarrealistichny Poster - 24min

2 DVD - Photomontage
- The plot collage number 1 - 16min
- Fantazy girl - 23m
- Micro Robot - 23m
- Bio Manica - 29min
- Lesson 5 (?) - 31min
- Another World - 17min

- Magic Ball - 26min
- The plot collage number 2 - 40min
- The plot collage number 3 - 20min
- Retro background - 42min
- Thumbelina - 35min
- Marionette - 24min

- Doll giant - 24min
- Surprise - 25min
- The air arm - 20min
- Magic painting - 24min
- Tehnobot - 15min
- Retro cartoon - 22min


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